Friday, July 27, 2007

Last Day in Texas!!

We are headed to Louisville, TOMORROW MORNING! After much deliberation of packing and rearranging, and getting trailers, Ryan and I are packed and ready to go for tomorrow! It is rather bitter sweet leaving friends here, yet starting such a great season of our lives! I'll try to keep you updated about the move with pictures, stories, and anything else we can think of to post. We were going to a step-by-step road trip picture book for you guys but we have lost our camera in all the visiting of, words it will have to be...and as we say goodnight and...


We appreciate your prayers, and I'm sure you will all be hearing from us soon!!

Ryan & Sarah

Monday, July 09, 2007


We are officially in Canyon Texas up in the panhandle...and as you might see from the posts and Ryan's new blog -- we've had a little more time on our hands. PS -- Ryan also has facebook now...and consequently we stayed up until 3:30 or so looking at it and setting it up! We had my nephew Michael's first birthday this weekend, and it was so much fun!

We even had a fireworks show at the end at my sister's house in the country. As you might imagine -- we all looked forward to the cake eating portion of the party...

My mom has VBS this week at her church, so Ryan and I have been helping out. And also a new addition -- my mom and my Meme are teaching me how to play bridge (I know I know -- its kind of an old ladies game -- but it is seriously challenging and I'm loving it so far!!

Plus -- my brother plays and can't wait for me to get to play with him!)

Louisville updates:
We are nearing our August 1st move in date!! And we are still preparing for all the events leading up to the move. I'm still on the job searching committee, so please pray the Lord opens up a position for me!! I'd love to work on campus, so we are pursuing that route right now!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Beeb'z Blog

Check out my new blog here. Take the time to scroll down and catch up on the last few blogs we posted. We have put a few up over the last few days.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Suffering for the Sake of Christ

My sister Cara (I call her Caraboo) had a near death experience in her last trip to Mexico. I love her zeal for Christ and His gospel. Please take the time to check out the story here.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy Indepedence Day

-- from Don and the rest of us Bebees! We have been celebrating the past few days here in Liberty Hill, learning about our past and the origins of our country. It has been encouraging to see how the founders of our nation and state were God honoring and fearing Christians. Their bravery have given us the liberty we now have in our nation. But we have been celebrating how our liberty in Christ is even more important and vital in our lives. Don has been working on a four day celebration for all of our nation to celebrate our past and our future as Americans. Check it out at American Family Reunion. I hope you guys enjoy the fireworks tonight -- my favorite part of the 4th of July activities!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Exercise in Dominion

My nephews Jacob, Ty and Kyle have come to spend some time with us.

Ty got into some ants and the end result was this:
So, in order to demonstrate our God-given dominion over animals, I showed them how to properly execute our dominion:

I love dominion, and I hope no animal rights activist find this blog. Peace...