Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Delivery Details

Brooklynn is 4 weeks old today! And I think if it were possible, she is already more cute and more loved than when she was first born! I thought I'd give you a run down of that very eventful day as we are now having a little more time to relax and get back to life!

January 27th, 2009 - Labor begins...
Ryan and I were staying home, as it had snowed and iced the day before. So when I started to get contractions that afternoon, I thought it may be from the sedentary day. A walk was in order. Ryan and I decided to head to Heine Brother's Coffee up the street (maybe half a mile). The contractions weren't hard, but didn't seem to be going away, so I timed them to see how long it would take for them to go away (I really thought there was NO way I was in real labor). Finally at Heine Brothers it had been over an hour of contractions, so I began time them...and they were Exactly three minutes apart, and getting stronger. We headed home to call Dr. Fisher, who directed us to the hospital due to the ice storm coming in that night.

Arrived at the hospital around 6:00 p.m. with no one else in the registration area. Checked in and went upstairs. I was still only dilated to a one, so the nurse told me it would more than likely be over 24 hours, but feel free to walk and we'd check soon. Ryan and I walked and walked, as the contractions got harder and harder. Back at the room, the nurse said, keep walking. As the contractions got harder, I finally went to a 3 and they gave me a little bit of meds through the IV. At that point I rested some, but waited for the shift change of nurse around 11, when they checked me again, and I was a 4. At this point - the nurse said I could have an epidural if I wanted. And my mind went...

We are having a baby!! Today!! (I was still convinced up to this point I was NOT in labor! So...)
Epidural @ 3:00 a.m.
Naps for Ryan and I both from 3:00 - 5:00 a.m.
Doctor arrives (after driving OVER TREES to get there) at 5:00 a.m.
Progressed to completion by 5:30/40 a.m.
Brooklynn Grace Bebee born at 5:52 a.m.

Dr. Fisher is Amazing!
We were so thankful she was able to make it to the hospital in the ice storm!!

Ryan didn't take his boots off for over 24 hours - as he wanted to be ready when needed! So cute!

Ryan is SUCH a great DAD! We love having her at home, and I try not to cry everytime I see our sweet girl in Ryan's hands! So for those of you that haven't seen the facebook pictures, here are a few. I will try to update with more recent pictures soon!

And lastly for now - Brooklynn's first ride in the car seat and heading home to Kentucky!!


Laura said...

she is precious! you must update often for us texans! love you all!

Eric and Lar Holquin said...

oh sarah so PRECIOUS!! love you guys!!:) can't wait to see more pics!!

Anonymous said...

I love this! In another 14 weeks we'll have a story just like this to post. Well except for the ice storm...

I love you guys.

Shaunna said...

So sweet! And yes, more pictures please:)

jengrusy said...

Love the Post and pictures Sarah! Brooklyn is overwhelmingly cute. It was fun to read your labor story. Aren't epidurals amazing?! It's crazy that with them you are able to nap during the final stages of labor! What a beautiful family you have! Congrats again.

Jamie Butts said...

What a great doctor? I'm thankful for her. But don't give her all the credit. :) You did great, Mama Bebee! And, I'm glad I get to see you and the little one for a bit today. I love you all so much!
Great Dad pics, too!
And, thanks most of all to our Lord! He's so good!

Brian and Cara said...

Heading ALL the way home to Kentucky! You are funny, yes you gave birth in Indiana, but it wasn't THAT far away! By the way, I echo that Dr. Fisher is AWESOME! Wouldn't want anybody else! Love you guys, Cara

(and yes, I have heard this story but still had fun reading it on your blog!)

Sara Nickson said...

Beautiful baby girl! I glad you had a good labor experience. I, actually, loved the whole thing. It took me about 4 weeks to get settled and feel back to normal (a new normal, I must say). Glad you're doing well!

Kristy said...

Sarah! She is beautiful! We are so thankful we were able to meet her and hang out with you guys. What a fun little girl!!! And GREAT job on a loonnggg labor--sounds like you did awesome. And it seems like you've got the mom thing down too. Everyone told me that things get MUCH easier at 6-8 weeks and they did for us (things were great those first weeks too, but they just got easier.) However, you make it look easy already, so maybe you don't need to hear that. :) Good job Momma! Much love to you!