Friday, January 02, 2009

4th Anniversary Trip!

Ryan and I took a mini-vacation to celebrate our four years of marriage!! (It also was our little baby-moon!!) I am extremely thankful for the Lord's goodness in giving me Ryan James Bebee as a husband. I am completely undeserving, and the Lord continue to show His faithfulness to us in our marriage and in our growth.
So to Cincinnati:
The first day we visited the Freedom Museum that featured information about the underground railroad and the history of slavery in America. I would recommend this stop to ALL that go to Cincinnati as it was informative, sobering, and very well constructed! It gives you a great picture into this dark time of our history and makes you appreciate the freedom we now have.

On New Year's Eve we went to Newport on the Levee to visit the Newport Aquarium, then to a movie and hanging out! It even snowed on us on the way to the Aquarium!!

Ryan wore his UT apparrel to spite the Ohio State fans in Cincinnati! He got a few weird looks, but nobody had the guts to take him on! (as dictated from Ryan...)...But don't forget to cheer for Texas on January 5th!
At the aquarium we loved seeing all of the animals...

But the kids all enjoyed the plastic reindeer that were spread throughout the aquarium. You would hear the shouts, "'s a reindeer!!!"

We enjoyed eating out thanks to some great students at DSCS and their loving Christmas gifts!! The trip was a great break away from everything for a little while, and to celebrate our marriage as we enter into this new season of our lives!
Good friends of ours Josh and Christina kept Bella on our trip. Bella played to her heart's content with their welsch corgi, Oliver. Bella was so exhausted that as soon as we got home she was passed out on the couch, and was out of it the rest of the night!

Happy 2009 to all of you!!!!

(And especially thanks for still checking the blog after over a year of inactivity...but skeptics, you can stop holding your breath! :o)


catherine shea politte said...

Yep, I was a total skeptic but I'm really excited about reading your blog!!!!! YAY for a fun trip and I love how you called it your baby-moon. You two are obnoxiously precious. :) In a good way.

Sarah Bebee said...

Thanks Shea! You are too sweet!!!