Thursday, October 12, 2006

God's Word in the 4th Grade

   Well, I have a kid in my class that memorizes scripture for church. Whenever he has to memorize a scripture, I have him tell it to me and we memorize it together. This week he has memorized Heb. 1:1-2 and I have to say, it takes him less time than me to memorize scripture (To those with kids, get them started early, their minds are much more absorbant than ours). Well, my buddy wanted to read today but he didn't have a book handy. I asked him if he wanted to read the bible and he said yes. He went to his desk and began reading and what I am about to tell you really knocked my socks off. No lie, this is exactly what happened.
   My buddy comes to my desk and has the bible (a camo Camp Buckner Bible) opened to Zechariah. He had cross referenced the word "forefathers" (one of the words in Heb. 1:1-2 is "forefathers") and had wound up at Zechariah 1:2. He was a little confused about who was speaking and I explained that God used to speak through prophets (Heb. 1:1-2) but now He has spoken to us in Christ. He understood this immediately (because he had already memorized the Hebrews verse) and made a comment about God being mad at the forefathers. I encouraged him to keep reading and he left my desk and I continued to grade papers. Not 5 minutes later my buddy (a name I frequently call the boys in my class) comes up to me and says, "I know why God was mad at the forefathers, (by the way, he is not reading this out of the bible, he is telling me what he read without looking) they wouldn't pay attention to the Lord and turn from their evil ways and their evil practices. So God was mad at them for not turning to Him and hearing His word." That's a better explanation than one you might hear from a pulpit!!! How encouraging it is to see the Lord at work in the lives of 10 year olds.
"In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight." Lk. 10:21
Praise the Lord for His infinite goodness and mercy and for crowning us with lovingkindess and tender mercies, including kids in my class!!!
Sola Christus,

1 comment:

Jamie Butts said...

I smiled at that post. How incredibly encouraging.

Yes, one of my 5th graders the other day was really confused about how OT Christians were saved.

It is really PRECIOUS to see young minds contemplating the things of the LORD.

As far as Scripture memory goes, if you dig a little on the Chilren Desiring God website, you will see The ABC's of God curriculum. Click on table of contents and you'll see an attribute of God (A-Z) and a verse. I have my kids (granted, a private school) memorize these weekly. Maybe this is something camp could use. They have some really good curriculum.

I know that was random, but the Children's DG stuff really leads children in thinking deeply about the things of God. I didn't know what stuff in my YOUTH GROUP days.

Glad you could have a refreshing conversation about the Lord. May the Lord continue to use you and to use Sarah with her ministry to children. And may the Lord use the children to spur us on...