Friday, September 22, 2006

Self Control: Chapter 3

I had to share some of this with you! Chapter 3 in Feminine Apeal is SO stinkin' good. I'm only a few pages into it. Here are some of the highlights and some points that hit me HARD.

1. self control is hard; is it thought of poorly in our society; not taught often, even in churches

--it is inferred/directed to EVERY group mentioned in Titus 2. "We cannot afford to ignore it."
--if REQUIRED, it is ATTAINABLE through God's grace!

3. Self control requires effort, but it is based on the strength God provides
--"For this I TOIL, struggling with all HIS energy that HE powerfully works within me." Col 1:29
--Charles Bridges..."effective self control is divine grace"..."Have not repeated defeats taught us the need of calling in a better strength than our own?"


What a huge need we have for self-control. How extremely important it is to learn self-control, practice self-control, and be disciplined in this area!!!

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