Thursday, September 07, 2006


As I endeavor into the world of blogging, I think of the one thing that happens almost every time I read another’s blog; I am encouraged. Often times when we read about our brothers and sisters in Christ we find great encouragement from the Lord’s work in their lives. For example, Eron Plevan’s blog always encourages me towards greater understanding of God’s word as well as fleshing out previous thoughts or conversations that I have had. Dustin Butts has great poetry that I truly enjoy. Since I am new at this blogging thing, that’s all I’ve got right now, but there will be more I am sure. It is my desire to encourage with this blog and be encouraged from your comments and blogs. 


On a side note, we practiced skip counting today in fourth grade. Since I only teach math, that means that I practice skip counting with 80 kids. For those of you who don't know what skip counting is (i hope you do), it is a tool to help kids with their math facts. Example: To remember their 7's, we chant as a class: 7,14,21,28... until we get to 84 (7x12). That being said, if the Lord ever chooses to bless me with a flock that requires three services every sunday morning (with the doctrine that I believe and preach, that's not likely), I don't think that it will ever be as straining on my voice as today was. Praise the Lord for using 80 fourth graders to prepare me for His greater calling on my life! Thanks for reading this.


Sola Deo Gloria,



Jamie Butts said...

Hi Ryan friend! How fun to "hear" your personality through your blog post. I love the both of you so much and always have. What a fun way to stay connected. Press on, brother. I know you're such a great teacher! Sarah!!!! I love you. The call was like a tease. I want more. :) I'll call again soon.

Sarah Bebee said...

James -- love you to girl! Everytime we talk, I remember just HOW MUCH I miss ya! I hope this weekend gives you lots of time to spend with Dustin too!!

catherine shea politte said...

This IS the start of something GOOD...since you guys are known for being rather difficult to get ahold least now we can check out the BLOG. I love it. I think I'm going to start teaching Jacob how to count like that. Sarah you're going to have to teach me how to do one of these - I have so many hilarious things I could post about the would be quite entertaining.

Love you both - so much!

Sarah Bebee said...

Shea -- I can dfinantly help you set one of these up. It is so stinking practically just walks you through it. I have three for camp, and now this one...I'm a little addicted already! :o) Plus, like you said, it's easier to keep up with everyone!